Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The most f'd up thing I've ever seen...

Seriously, I'm an a-hole and I would never do this. If I knew who this kid was I'd send him one.


Anonymous said...

That was the most mean spirited Christmas prank I have ever seen. Those people should be ashamed of themselves! That is sooooo low class!

Anonymous said...

That is the most mean spirited Christmas prank I have ever seen! Those people should be ashamed of themselves. That is soooooo low class!

Anonymous said...

This is just awful, what a cruel thing to do to a child.

Anonymous said...

I think that will come back to the parents in ways they never expected. (and I don't mean in a good way) How sad that they have dubbed him the whipping boy and then put it up on the web! That is total abuse and he really SHOULD have an x-box.

Anonymous said...

That is one of THE MOST HORRIBLE things I've ever seen! That poor baby! I almost cried right along with him. And that witch telling him to 'look at the camera and cry'. Oooh, she's lucky I don't know where she lives.

Anonymous said...

looks like he'll be taken care of..

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to Xmas? Let's all petition to tar and feather the parents!