Saturday, January 10, 2009

We randomly fell into a UTEP alumni bar in Dallas...

So we're on our way to the SMU game in Dallas & we see some bars by campus & said "let's check them out". Little did we know that it was a UTEP party & the wind was blowing the sign closed so we couldn't read it. We went in & saw a sea of orange...f'n dope!

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This must be the world's largest fountain drink set up...

I'm on my way to Dallas for the UTEP vs. SMU hoops game & stopped in some gas station in Waco to find this.

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm going to stick with fantasy football cause I can't pick college football winners...

Note: yes, I'm "The Gambler"

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A blast from the past...

The George Forman Grill made my dinner tonight. Hotdogs & beans BABY! I've so made it in this world. On the menu tomorrow: Ramen & fried egg.

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Thursday @ 7:19 pm

What am I doing? Ridding the couch watching OU & Florida.

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Monday, January 5, 2009

God Bless Pep Boys...

Since hitting 100,000 miles on my car things have started to fall apart. I'd take my car to the dealer but I feel I've used up all my favors with them so I went to Manny, Moe & Jack. I left my car for over a week while I was out of town for the Holiday's and after paying $1500.00 she runs like a brand new car! Yeah, I'm not happy about the price but it was a lot done to it. All I'm saying is people always bitch about what a bad job so & so has done and this time I'm just trying to say thanks. Also, Pep Boys doesn't advertise with us nor do I have a hook up so hold your e-mails!

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Road trip to SMU: we're gonna be the only Mexican's there...

Me, my boy Skeeter & Shane are driving up to Dallas this Saturday to support our hometown boys the men's UTEP Miner basketball team. Gametime is @ 6 pm & we're staying the night at our buddy Christian's pad who happens to live nearby the school. El Paso UTEP fans, join us!

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This just in: wedding planning is really stressful...

Just got back from El Paso where my fiance Andria & I are from and we are already at each other with wedding plans. Is it going to get better?

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Back to Back fantasy football champion...

Another year, another $1400.00. Seriously, the one thing I can do is "play fantasy football". Can you believe I won it all with a quarterback names "Shaun Hill" from the 49er's...word!

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My 2009 New Year's resolutions...

6. Be a bit more "green". I'm gonna stop using paper & plastic since I bought my UTEP Miner shopping bags in El Paso. Also, cut down on electricity when I'm not at home. Come time it gets warmer I'll ride my bike more around the neighborhood & work. Lastly, I'm gonna try to recycle more.

5. Don't spend money on things I don't really need. In other words, be a bigger tight-ass than I already am.

4. Buy all generic products. They're just as good as namebrand stuff and if you have a problem with the generic label than save the old bottle.

3. Completely cut out fried foods, cheese & cut down on bread & tortillas. Yes, I've fallen off the wagon a bit but I'm good, I'll get r dun.

2. Shave every three days & dress better to work. This is carried over from last year & I think I broke it on the first week.

1. Be a little bit nicer & have a better attitude in 2009.

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Hello "out of shape people back at the gym"...

Congrats, it'll last you maybe a month but no more than that. Instead of making it a "resolution" make it a life style change. Prove me wrong & stick with it cause it! Maybe I'm just pissed cause normally on Sunday @ 4 pm at Pure Austin gym downtown there are a few available threadmills but today (1-4-09) there was a waiting list!

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I'm feeling "The Snuggie"...

Yup, it seem pretty dope & I got one order for me & my Mom.

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

What is the lowest you've ever felt...

I was in El Paso for the Holidays & ran into and old friend I hadn't seen in years. We hung out that night, had a beer & it seemed all good. The person left the bar before I did and on my way out I noticed a business card on the floor that looked familiar. It was the one I had given them to keep in touch. I felt sick & the booze made it a worse feeling, almost like someone punched you in the gut. This person doesn't want anything to do with me obviously. Has this ever happen to you? I don't wish it on anyone.
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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thank you Corona Light...

I just went through some photos from Bikes For Kids 2008 and saw a cute photo.
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I'm hooked to a show that I didn't want to get hooked on...

When it came out years ago I didn't want to like this show because I hate everything that everyone is into but I got roped into it over the Holidays & I can't turn away no more!
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I found Target's flaw...

Their Thomas O'Brien towels are the biggest piece of crap ever! I sacked up & bought $130 worth of new towels and after their first wash my washer looks like I shaved many dogs in it. I shook them out in the tub thinking a little bit of lint would come of but NO, it keeps on coming of. KISS MY ASS Target for having crap towels!

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